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Why Should I Make A DUI Defense

Why Make Dui Defense

Reasons for DUI Defense In the case that a DUI arrest has been made, the individual suspected of driving while under the influence will certainly require the services of an experienced DUI attorney or lawyer. In many cases, a strong DUI defense can substantially improve a person's chances of being levied the least severe punishment by law, particularly if such a case is a first offense. Furthermore, DUI defenses will be required in the case that a person may have been wrongfully arrested for a DUI, or least believes that he/she was wrongfully arrested for such a violation. DUI Defense Types There are various DUI defenses that attorneys may use in order to help their clients either be levied a minimum sentence and fine, or in more rare cases, have the charges dismissed. A DUI defense will depend on the nature of the DUI arrest and conviction charges, though there will be some that are general in their nature. Probable Cause A common DUI defense involves the concept of probable cause, where the person facing DUI charges has evidence regarding the officer making the traffic stop not having probable cause to pull the defendant over. However, this DUI defense will be more complex in the case that a sobriety roadblock is involved. Inadmissibility of Evidence Another common DUI defense may be in regards to implied consent warnings. This involves the officer not having provided the defendant with the proper information regarding consequences of refusing a breathalyzer or chemical test, or the test was incorrectly administered. This DUI defense may render the test as inadmissible as evidence in the court of law, and thus, possibly throwing out the case altogether.

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